The Urban Eating League features neighbors competing against each other to host the best meal and create the best theatrical experience around a theme.
teams of eaters
host sites
Teams of eaters pay for the food, visit all the host sites and serve as the judges, while also competing against each other to have the best thematic costumes.
Imagine if a Food Network show and a pub crawl had a baby and you had to deliver that baby inside someone’s living room that was decorated as a treehouse. You’re starting to get the idea of the Urban Eating League.
You’ll make new friends, eat delicious food, and have unforgettable experiences all in one epic night.
Join the Party!
6 team tickets are available for our next Urban Eating League in San Francisco on November 9th, 2019.
Sign up to be the first to know about the next Urban Eating League!
Malis contentiones duo ex. Duis inani pertinacia mei cu. An etiam expetendis mei. Nam id soluta discere, agam illum latine mei ut, eligendi vertere mvel te vocibus fabellas.
Roland Charles
Nec ea adipiscing efficiendi. Quis veniam no nam. Elitr ubique aliquam in cum, cu per dicat verear, veritus persequeris delicatissimi te mei. Eu usu commune tacimates principes.
Daniel Becker
Hiking is the preferred term, in Canada and the United States, for a long, vigorous walk, usually on trails. The word hiking is also often used in the UK, along with rambling.